Why Go Solar

Going solar is a GREAT DECISION. Some people are seeing their bills be cut in less than half! In certain cases, some clients could even receive money back from their utility provider! At Element Energy we are dedicated to not only giving you the best service in the industry, but also, ensuring that you are well educated and knowledgeable about your decision. Our industry leading energy consultants are excited for you and want to help! Here are a few reasons why you should go solar, and why Element Energy is the best place to help!

Why Solar?


Reduce your electric bill

Going solar can reduce or eliminate your electric bill entirely, leaving more money in your pocket- from day1!


Protect against future electric rate increases

Some electric companies raise their rates an average of 5.5% per year, or more! Not only will solar help you save money today, the cost remains at a low price that will help you save even more money as time goes on!


No Cost to You

You can get a solar system built, installed, and activated without paying a cent! Your only cost is your monthly bill, which replaces your electric bill for a direct savings to you!


Raise your resale value

Did you know that going solar can actually increase the resale value of your home? Not only that but homes with solar systems also sell more quickly, on average, than homes without!


Protect the environment

Every home that goes solar is a home that does not have to be powered by coal, oil, or gas, protecting the environment for future generations!

Why Element Energy?



Element Energy features some of the top award winning energy experts in the nation. We also have a team behind us that has serviced tens of thousands of installs on homes just like yours!



Because we are able to broker the best energy deal for you and your family, we can always offer the best price available!



We offer full long-term support for your solar project. You will always know next steps and have a quick response team available for questions, even after installation!



We are so certain that you will be happy with your new rooftop solar system that we will guarantee all parts and workmanship for 25 years after install!



With Element Energy, you will not only get the best price, but we offer the best quality available anywhere in the nation!